
What Is The Demographic Makeup Of Tampa Fl

Downtown Tampa Demographics

Population - Employment - Households - Income / Financial - Housing - Education - Marital Status - Ways of Transport to Piece of work

What is the population of Downtown Tampa?


There are 15,860 residents in Downtown Tampa, with a median historic period of 37.v. Of this, 53.17% are males and 46.83% are females. Us-born citizens make up 81.26% of the resident pool in Downtown Tampa, while not-Us-born citizens business relationship for 12.84%. Additionally, 5.ix% of the population is represented by non-citizens.
A total of xi,291 people in Downtown Tampa currently live in the same firm as they did concluding twelvemonth.

Y-o-Y Alter
Full Population xv,860 1.8%
Male person Population viii,432 2.6%
Female Population seven,428 0.eight%

Male population 53.17%

Female population 46.83%

Y-o-Y Change
Median Age 37.5 0.three%
Denizen US Born 12,888 ii.7%
Citizen not US Born ii,036 -2.6%
Not Citizen 936 -0.9%

Citizen United states Born 81.26%

Denizen non United states Born 12.84%

Not Citizen 5.9%

Y-o-Y Change
Moved from Abroad 186 -12.3%
Moved from Same County 2,798 -one.2%
Moved from Same Land 572 -four.eight%
Moved from Unlike State 865 0.0%
Same House every bit Terminal Year 11,291 3.i%

Moved from Away ane.xviii%

Moved from Same County 17.81%

Moved from Aforementioned State 3.64%

Moved from Different State 5.51%

Same House as Last Year 71.86%

What are the employment statistics in Downtown Tampa?


White-neckband workers make upward 93.15% of the working population in Downtown Tampa, while blue-collar employees account for 6.85%. At that place are also 1,247 entrepreneurs in Downtown Tampa (thirteen.57% of the workforce); vi,083 workers employed in private companies (66.eighteen%); and 1,188 people working in governmental institutions (12.92%).

Y-o-Y Change
White Collar 8,562 -1.7%
Blue Neckband 630 twoscore.0%

White Neckband 93.15%

Bluish Collar half dozen.85%

Y-o-Y Modify
Self Employees 1,247 xix.1%
Private Companies 6,083 -5.0%
Governmental Workers ane,188 1.7%
Not for Profit Companies 674 23.iv%

Cocky Employees xiii.57%

Private Companies 66.eighteen%

Governmental Workers 12.92%

Not for Profit Companies 7.33%

How many households are there in Downtown Tampa?


There are a full of 8,599 households in Downtown Tampa, each made upward of around two members. Family unit establishments represent 34.52% of these Downtown Tampa households, while non-family units account for the remaining 65.48%. Additionally, 12.3% of households have children and 87.vii% of households are without children.

Y-o-Y Modify
Total Households 8,599 0.half-dozen%
Average People Per Household 2 1.vii%
Family unit Households ii,968 i.4%
Non-family Households 5,631 0.i%

Family Households 34.52%

Non-family Households 65.48%

Y-o-Y Change
Households with Children one,058 0.5%
Households without Children 7,541 0.half-dozen%

Households with Children 12.3%

Households without Children

What are the median and average incomes in Downtown Tampa?


The average annual household income in Downtown Tampa is $109,306, while the median household income sits at $71,894 per year. Residents aged 25 to 44 earn $90,996, while those between 45 and 64 years former have a median wage of $94,830. In dissimilarity, people younger than 25 and those older than 65 earn less, at $28,125 and $26,364, respectively.

Y-o-Y Modify
Average Household Income $109,306 0.0%
Median Household Income $71,894 -ane.three%
People beneath Poverty Level 2,620 ane.nine%
People higher up Poverty Level 12,913 1.ane%

How many homeowners and renters are at that place in Downtown Tampa?


There are 10,051 housing units in Downtown Tampa, and the median year in which these properties were built is 2003. Of the viii,599 occupied housing units in Downtown Tampa, 36.02% are owner-occupied, while 63.98% accept renters living in them.
Meanwhile, backdrop bought with mortgages account for 67.42% of the units, and the median value of a home with a mortgage is $393,500. In general, housing costs reach $1,725 per month in Downtown Tampa.

Y-o-Y Modify
Housing Units 10,051 0.8%
Median Year Built 2003 0.1%
Built in 1939 or Earlier 942 -1.8%
Built between 1940 and 1949 258 0.4%
Built between 1950 and 1959 288 -24.4%
Built between 1960 and 1969 258 15.vii%
Built betwixt 1970 and 1979 451 4.9%
Congenital between 1980 and 1989 787 7.i%
Built between 1990 and 1999 997 -12.5%
Built between 2000 and 2009 iv,038 0.3%
Built in 2010 or Later 2,032 11.nine%
Y-o-Y Modify
Occupied Housing Units viii,599 0.six%
Possessor Occupied 3,097 -four.i%
Renter Occupied five,502 iii.4%

Owner Occupied 36.02%

Renter Occupied 63.98%

Y-o-Y Change
With Mortgage 2,088 0.2%
Without Mortgage 1,009 -12.0%
Median Value with Mortgage $393,500 8.6%
Median Value without Mortgage $333,300 ii.0%
Median Housing Costs per Month $i,725 7.2%

With Mortgage 67.42%

Without Mortgage 32.58%

What is the level of education in Downtown Tampa?


Approximately 22.38% of the population in Downtown Tampa holds a high school caste (that'south 3,100 residents), while xv.54% have attained a college certificate (2,710 locals) and 28% have a bachelor's degree (iii,879 people).

Y-o-Y Change
No High Schoolhouse 337 one.2%
Some High School iii,100 five.0%
Some College 2,710 -ii.five%
Acquaintance Degree 995 9.3%
Bachelor's Caste three,879 7.9%
Graduate Caste 3,390 -3.7%

No Loftier School 2.43%

Some Loftier School 22.38%

Some College 15.54%

Associate Caste 7.eighteen%

Bachelor'south Caste 28%

Graduate Caste 24.47%

What is the marital status of Downtown Tampa residents?


A total of 5,653 people in Downtown Tampa have never been married (which represents 40.eighteen% of the total population), while 5,309 of them are wedded (37.73%). Separated and divorced residents are in smaller numbers, at 318 (2.26%) and 2,438 (17.33%), respectively.

Y-o-Y Modify
Never Married v,653 0.6%
Married 5,309 i.3%
Separated 318 27.ii%
Widowed 670 10.7%
Divorced ii,438 3.7%

Never Married twoscore.18%

Married 37.73%

Separated ii.26%

Widowed 4.76%

Divorced 17.33%

What are the near mutual ways of transportation in Downtown Tampa?


The summit 3 ways of transportation people in Downtown Tampa use to get to work are: car, walking and bicycle. A full of vii,081 residents commute by car, 446 prefer going to work by walking and 83 by bicycle.

Y-o-Y Change
Car 7,081 -4.ii%
Bus or TrolleyBus eighty -15.viii%
Railroad xviii -five.three%
Bicycle 83 -23.2%
Motorcycle 4 -xx.0%
TaxiCab 26 30.0%
Walk 446 -5.3%

Methodology & Disclaimers

Demographic information shown in this section was gathered from the latest U.S. Demography Bureau release, the 2019 American Community Survey. The information is updated yearly, as soon every bit new data is made bachelor by the US Demography Bureau.
No representation, guarantee or warranty is made as to the accurateness or completeness of information modified or aggregated for specific neighborhoods and/or zip codes.

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Photo of 111 S ASHLEY DRIVE, Tampa, FL

  • 3 Beds Bds
  • iv Baths Ba

Photo of 111 S ASHLEY DRIVE, Tampa, FL

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Photo of 111 S ASHLEY DRIVE, Tampa, FL

  • 1 Beds Bd
  • 2 Baths Ba

Photo of 1000 WATER STREET, Tampa, FL

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  • 5 Baths Ba

Photo of 1000 WATER STREET, Tampa, FL

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  • 4 Baths Ba


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